Hospital Care Cúram Ospidéil

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Departments/Areas Ranna/Limistéir
Accident and Emergency An Roinn Timpistí agus
Department/Casualty Éigeandála/Taismí
Admissions Department An Roinn Iontrálacha
Ambulance and Transport An Roinn Otharcharr agus
Department Iompair
Canteen Caintín
Clinical Science Department An Roinn Eolaíochta Clinice
Coronary Care Cúram Croí
Department of Anaesthetics An Roinn Ainéistéiseachta
Department of Medicine An Roinn Míochaine
Department of Obstetrics An Roinn Cnáimhseachais
and Gynaecology agus Gínéiceolaíochta
Department of Paediatrics An Roinn Péidiatraice
Department of Pathology An Roinn Paiteolaíochta
Department of Psychiatry An Roinn Síciatrachta
Department of Surgery An Roinn Máinliachta
Intensive Care Dianchúram
Laboratory Saotharlann
Maintenance Department An Roinn Cothabhála
Management Offices Oifigí Bainistíochta
Mortuary Marbhlann
Nursing School Scoil Altranais
Outpatients Department An Roinn Othar Seachtrach
Pharmacy Cógaslann
Physiotherapy Department An Roinn Fisiteiripe
Recovery Room Seomra Téarnaimh
Stores Stórais
Theatre Obrádlann
Ward Barda
X-Ray Department An Roinn X-Ghathaíochta

Staff Grades Gráid Foirne
Attendant/Domestic Freastalaí
Chaplain Séiplíneach
Chief Technologist Príomhtheicneolaí
Clinical Psychologist Síceolaí Cliniciúil
Consultant Anaesthetist Ainéistéisí Comhairleach
Consultant Haematologist Haemaiteolaí Comhairleach
Consultant Histopathologist Histeapaiteolaí Comhairleach
Consultant Obstetrician/ Cnáimhseoir/LiaBan
Gynaecologist Comhairleach
Consultant Paediatrician Leanbhlia Comhairleach
Consultant Psychiatrist Síciatraí Comhairleach
Consultant Physician Dochtúir Comhairleach
Consultant Radiologist Raideolaí Comhairleach
Consultant Surgeon Máinlia Comhairleach
Cook Cócaire
Dietitian Bia-Eolaí
House Officer Oifigeach Tí
Intern Dochtúir Cónaithe
Matron Bean Tís
Medical Laboratory Technician Teicneoir Saotharlainne Míochaine
Night Nurse Altra Oíche
Nurse Altra
Nurse Tutor Teagascóir Altranais
Pharmacist Cógaiseoir
Physiotherapist Fisiteiripeoir
Porter/Attendant Giolla/Freastalaí
Radiographer Raideagrafaí
Registrar Cláraitheoir
Security Person Slándálaí
Sister Siúr
Staff Midwife Bean Chabhrach Foirne
Staff Nurse Altra Foirne
Student Nurse Ábhar Altra
Theatre Sister Banaltra Obrádlainne
Ward Clerk Cléireach Barda
Ward Sister Banaltra Barda

When did you come into hospital?
Cathain a tháinig tú isteach san ospidéal?

How are you feeling?
Conas atá tú? / Conas a mhothaíonn tú?

Are these your flowers ?
An leatsa na bláthanna seo?

The doctor will be here soon.
Beidh an dochtúir anseo gan mhoill.

I will get the nurse for you.
Gheobhaidh mé an bhanaltra duit.

Are you comfortable?
An bhfuil tú compordach?

I will take your blood pressure.
Glacfaidh mé do bhrú fola.

I will take your temperature.
Glacfaidh mé do theocht.

I will take your pulse.
Braithfidh mé do chuisle. /Tógfaidh mé do chuisle.

You may have a bath now.
Féadfaidh tú folcadh a bheith agat anois.

Have you had visitors?
An raibh cuairteoirí agat?

Did you sleep well ?
Ar chodail tú go maith?

Have you read the paper?
An bhfuil an nuachtán léite agat?

Who won the match?
Cé a bhuaigh an cluiche?

There is a group meeting today.
Beidh cruinniú grúpa ann inniu.

You will be fasting overnight.
Beidh tú ar céalacan go maidin.

The shop will be open soon.
Beidh an siopa ar oscailt go luath.

The taxi has arrived.
Tá an tacsaí tagtha.

You will be having an x-ray.
Déanfar x-ghathú ort.

You are due to have your injection.
Tá instealladh le tabhairt duit.

You are allowed to have your clothes.
Féadfaidh tú do chuid éadaí a bheith agat.

There is a phone call for you.
Tá glao gutháin duit.

You are going by ambulance.
Beidh tú ag taisteal san otharcharr.

The phone is ringing.
Tá an guthán ag bualadh.

Where are your keys?
Cá bhfuil do chuid eochracha?

How much money do you need?
Cén méid airgid atá uait?

The nurse will take you for a walk.
Tabharfaidh an bhanaltra ag siúl tú.

This is the way to the day room.
Seo an tslí chuig an seomra lae.

You may watch television.
Féadfaidh tú féachaint ar an teilifís.

The nurse will lock your property away safely.
Cuirfidh an bhanaltra do chuid giuirléidí i dtaisce duit.

I will put your valuables in the safe.
Cuirfidh mé do chuid rudaí luachmhara sa taisceadán.

You may go for a walk outside.
Féadfaidh tú dul ag siúl lasmuigh.

You will be going to occupational therapy today.
Beidh tú ag dul ar theiripe shaothair inniu.

You will be ready to go home next week.
Beidh tú ullamh chun dul abhaile an tseachtain seo chugainn.

You'll get your prescription from your own G.P.
Gheobhaidh tú an t-oideas ó do dhochtúir féin.

What is the name of your G.P.?
Cad is ainm don dochtúir agat?

We will see you at the clinic in 1 week/2,3,4 weeks.
Feicimid tú sa chlinic i gceann seachtaine/2,3,4 sheachtain.

The nurse will take a blood sample.
Tógfaidh an bhanaltra sampla fola.

These are your tablets.
Seo iad do chuid taibléidí.

What is your name?
Cad is ainm duit?

What is your address?
Cén seoladh atá agat?

What is your telephone number?
Cén uimhir ghutháin atá agat?

What is your date of birth?
Cén dáta breithe atá agat?

When were you born?
Cathain a rugadh tú?

What is your birthday?
Cén lá breithe atá agat?

How old are you now?
Cén aois atá agat anois?

What is your occupation?
Cén tslí bheatha atá agat?

Are you married or single?
An bhfuil tú pósta nó singil?

Will you be a public / private / semi-private patient?
An mbeidh tú i d'othar poiblí / príobháideach/leathphríobháideach?

Have you a medical card?
An bhfuil cárta liachta agat?

Are you in the VHI?
An bhfuil árachas saorálach sláinte agat? / An bhfuil tú sa VHI?

What is your VHI membership number?
Cén uimhir VHI atá agat?

I have an appointment.
Tá coinne agam.

Who have you got the appointment with?
Cé leis a bhfuil an coinne agat?

What clinic are you to go to?
Cén chlinic a bhfuil tú le dul chuige?

Which consultant are you to see?
Cén comhairleoir a bhfuil coinne agat leis?

I want to see a nurse, please.
Ba mhaith liom banaltra a fheiceáil, le do thoil.

Do you need to get someone to care for family / children / animals?
An gá duine a fháil chun aire a thabhairt do chlann/leanaí/ainmhithe?

Have you any pain?
An bhfuil pian ort?

When do you get the pain?
Cathain a thagann an phian ort?

Do you get it after eating or after/during exercise?
An bhfaigheann tú pian tar éis duit ithe nó tar éis / le linn cleachtadh coirp?

Do you keep to a special diet?
An gcloíonn tú le haiste bia speisialta?

Are you a diabetic?
An diaibéiteach tú?

Have you a cough?
An bhfuil casachtach ort?

Are you bringing up phlegm?
An bhfuil tú ag casachtach réama?

With whom do you live?
Cé atá ina chónaí leat?

Have you had any problems medically in the past?
An raibh aon fhadhb sláinte agat go dtí seo?

What religion do you practice?
Cén creideamh atá agat?

Do you wish to go to church?
An mian leat cuairt a thabhairt ar an séipéal?

Would you like to see or speak to a chaplain?
Ar mhaith leat labhairt le séiplíneach?

The priest will be here today.
Beidh an sagart anseo inniu.

Have you any allergies?
An bhfuil aon ailéirge ort?

Are you allergic to any drugs or medicines?
An bhfuil aon ailéirge drugaí nó cógais agat?

Are you taking any drugs or medicines now or recently?
An bhfuil aon druga nó cógas á ghlacadh agat anois nó an raibh le déanaí?

Are your periods regular?
An mbíonn an fhuil mhíosta go rialta agat?

When did you have your last period?
Cathain a bhí an fhuil mhíosta cheana agat?

Are your bowel movements regular?
An dtéann tú ag an leithreas go rialta?

Breathe in.
Tóg d'anáil.

Breathe out.
Lig d'anáil amach.

Breathe in and out, then breath in and hold your breath.
Tóg d'anáil isteach agus lig amach í, ansin tóg arís í agus coimeád í.

Keep very still.
Fan an-socair.

Do not move.
Ná bog.

Get up on the table and lie on your back.
Suas leat ar an mbord agus luigh ar do dhroim.

Turn on to your right side.
Luigh ar do thaobh deas.

Turn on to your left side.
Luigh ar do thaobh clé.

The table will move into the tunnel (CT Scan).
Rachaidh an bord isteach sa tollán (Scanadh CAT).

The doctor will give you an injection first.
Tabharfaidh an dochtúir instealladh duit i dtosach.

Hello, how are you?
Dia dhuit. Conas tá tu? / Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? / Caidé mar atá tú?

I am going to take some x-rays of you/ of your arm.
Beidh orm x-ghathú a ghlacadh díot/ de do lámh.

Have you ever been x-rayed before?
Ar dearnadh x-ghathú ort riamh cheana?

Have you had this particular examination before?
Ar cuireadh an scrúdú seo ort riamh cheana?

It is important that you lie completely still.
Tá sé tábhachtach go bhfanfaidh tú socair.

Where does it hurt?
Cá bhfuil an phian?

When did the accident happen?
Cathain a tharla an timpiste?

Are you allergic to anything?
An bhfuil ailéirge ort le haon rud?

Are you on any medication?
An bhfuil aon chógas á ghlacadh agat?

Are you pregnant?
An bhfuil tú ag iompar clainne?

Do you use the pill?
An nglacann tú an piolla?

Have you been unconscious at all since the accident?
An raibh tú gan aithne in aon chor ó tharla an timpiste?

This examination involves the following
Séard atá i gceist leis an scrúdú seo ná...

You are to sit / lie / stand ...
Caithfidh tú suí / luí / seasamh ...

A doctor will perform this examination.
Déanfaidh dochtúir an scrúdú seo.

You will be given an anaesthetic.
Tabharfar ainéistéiseach duit.

You will be given an injection of contrast agent.
Tabharfar instealladh de leacht codarsnachta duit.

You have to drink contrast agent before the examination.
Beidh ort leacht codarsnachta a ól roimh an scrúdú.

The x-ray tube is going to make some noise.
Déanfaidh an feadán x-ghatha fothram. / Bogfaidh an feadán x-ghatha beagán.

I will be in the room next door and will be able to communicate with you all the time.
Beidh mise sa seomra béal dorais agus beidh mé ábalta labhairt leat an t-am go léir.

Undress, please.
Bain díot do chuid éadaí, le do thoil.

Have you got false teeth?
An bhfuil fiacla bréige agat?

You have to remove your hearing aid/jewellery/hairpins.
Beidh ort d'áis éisteachta/ do sheodra/ do bhioráin ghruaige a bhaint.

Could you please sit down over here?
An suífeá síos anseo, le do thoil?

Could you lie down on your back/stomach on this bench here?
An bhféadfá luí ar do dhroim/ ar do bholg ar an mbinse seo?

Could you stand close to this plate and put your chin on the top, please?
An bhféadfá seasamh in aice leis an bpláta seo agus do smig a chur air, le do thoil?

Keep absolutely still now, please.
Fan socair, le do thoil.

Turn to the left/right.
Cas ar chlé/ ar dheis.

Hold your breath, please.
Coimeád d'anáil, le do thoil.

Breathe out.
Análaigh amach.

Breathe in.
Análaigh isteach.

Could you hold/support this cassette please?
An bhféadfá an caiséad seo a choimeád i do lámh, le do thoil?

I need to do another x-ray picture.
Ní mór dom pictiúr eile x-ghatha a dhéanamh.

The quality of the x-ray picture is not satisfactory because ...
Níl caighdeán an phictiúir x-ghatha sásúil, de bhrí...

... you moved.
... gur bhog tú.

... there's something wrong with the development.
..go bhfuil rud éigin cearr leis an réadadh.

You can get dressed now please and wait out in the corridor.
Féadfaidh tú do chuid éadaí a chur ort anois agus fanacht amuigh sa dorchla.

The result wil be posted to your doctor.
Cuirfear an toradh sa phost chuig do dhochtúir.

Do you feel OK?
An mbraitheann tú ceart go leor?

Can I get you a glass of water?
An bhfaighidh mé gloine uisce duit?

Do you feel dizzy?
An bhfuil mearbhlán ort?

Are you comfortable on the table?
An bhfuil tú compordach ar an mbord?

We need to shave you where the incision is to be done.
Ní mór dúinn tú a bhearradh san áit a bhfuil an gearradh le déanamh.

This is going to hurt a bit.
Cuirfidh sé seo pian éigin ort.

It won't last long.
Ní mhairfidh sé i bhfad.

The patient is quite sick so I am calling the ward for a nurse.
Tá an t-othar breoite go leor. Táim chun glaoch ar an mbarda le haghaidh banaltra.

The drip is almost empty.
Tá an sileán beagnach ídithe.

Can you give a report on this patient?
An féidir leat tuairisc a thabhairt ar an othar seo?

Where can I find the emergency box ?
Cá bhfaighidh mé an bosca éigeandála?

Where is the on call room / reception / staff room / darkroom?
Cá bhfuil an glao-sheomra/an seomra fáiltithe/an seomra foirne / an seomra dorcha?

Where is the linen room?
Cá bhfuil an seomra línéadaigh?

Where can I find the new film when the holder is empty?
Cá bhfaighidh mé an scannán nua nuair atá an coimeádán folamh?

Where can I find the chemical / the developer / the fixer?
Cá bhfaighidh mé an ceimiceán/an réadóir / an fosaitheoir?

Where can I find the patient's previous films?
Cá bhfaighidh mé seanscannáin an othair?

Could you please help me lift this patient?
An bhféadfá cabhrú liom an t-othar seo a ardú?

What projections do you use for the cranium?
Cad iad na teilgintí a úsáideann tú don bhlaosc?

Could you have a look at these pictures, please?
Ar mhiste leat féachaint ar na pictiúir seo, le do thoil?

Could you look after the patient while I check out the pictures?
An bhféadfása aire a thabhairt don othar fad is atá na pictiúir á scrúdú agam?

The patient was in pain and couldn't cooperate further.
Bhí an t-othar i bpéin agus ní fhéadfadh sé/sí comhoibriú a thuilleadh.

The patient was short of breath.
Bhí gearranáil ar an othar.

The patient was drunk and wouldn't cooperate.
Bhí an t-othar ar meisce agus ní dhéanfadh sé/sí comhoibriú linn.

The patient is getting worse.
Tá an t-othar ag dul in olcas.

The patient is bleeding / is in shock / has fainted.
Tá an t-othar ag cur fola / Tá suaitheadh ar an othar / Tá an t-othar tar éis titim i bhfanntais?

The patient is drugged.
Tá an t-othar faoi dhrugaí.

Get a doctor.
Faigh dochtúir.
ur occupation?

Are you married or single?

c/private/semi-private patient?
Have you a medical card?

Are you in the VHI?

is your VHI membership number?

I have an appointment.

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    business services hospital commcare finance govdept refer